الاثنين، 5 أغسطس 2019

Diabetic coma

غيبوبة السكر 

Diabetic coma 


it's either a decrease in sugar and a rise in sugar in the bloodstream


* Awareness disorder in general

*Pallor in the face and body

*The patients' body is very cold

*Terribly prolific sweat

How to deal with the injured:

If the patient is conscious, we give him sugar (such as honey or sugar) and no need to swallow it, but he should be in eating status while going to the hospital and should not be given any fluids because it is likely to close the airway. While if he is not conscious we start examining him and then call the help and then take care of it.

If the coma is the result of high blood sugar and the patient is given sugar is not a problem because the effect is not instantaneous here while the decrease in sugar is instantaneous. 

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