السبت، 7 سبتمبر 2019




*Epilepsy: the most common cause. Where a defect in the brain's electrical function occurs in neurons.


* Some types of medicines

*Possible defect in the salts of the body in patients of liver, kidneys or other diseases

How to deal with the injured:

The first solution is to secure the injured person: keeping harmful things away from him where he is. 

Usually the seizure takes from 10-15 minutes until the convulsions stop after the patient enters into a deep slumber and all the bones of his body relax to the extent that he can urinate involuntarily and the probability of swallowing the tongue increases so after it is finished the situation of the patient's conciseness should be checked carefully.

If the alert lasts for more than a quarter of an hour, you should take him to the hospital immediately. 


During a seizure, do not try to wake the patient and when the seizure is over he does not remember any of what happened.

We shouldn't be afraid that the patient will bite his tongue because if we try to put something in the patient's mouth, we can break the jaw or part of his teeth, or he can bite your fingers, and it's likely to break. 

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